Google Certified Digital Marketing Manager - content strategist and SEO expert

convince and
with content that works.


I’M Siaka S Ould,

Your SEO expert + content strategist with a multi-media, digital-first background.

I’m a former agency owner turned expat freelance writer with 10 years of experience in business and digital communications. I’ve worked with brands large and small. Originally from the Netherlands, now living in Belgium.

Making complex things easy to understand is my bread and butter.


My Specialties

Content Strategy

A deep dive into your business goals to see how we can align your content to achieve them. ‍Researching: content audits, persona research, user journey analysis, content gap analysis, competitor research. ‍Planning: mapping content to the user journey, SEO strategy, editorial planning, social media strategy, user experience.


A full suite of SEO essentials to make your site work hard. Conversion optimisation to make sure the traffic you're attracting is converting. Helping you understand what conversion means to your business and goals. Whether it's a sale or a newsletter sign up, we'll make sure your site is doing everything possible to optimise for conversions.

SEO web/blog writing plans

Increase traffic, improve SEO and get more leads with our monthly SEO blog writing service. Sign up today and start getting high-quality, keyword-rich blog posts that will help you rank over your competition with this hands-off solution.

Content and copy writing

Words that converts visitors into customers, reaching the right audience in the right place. - Funnel optimised content - Conversion web copy and landing pages - Email & social copy programs - Optimised blog posts and articles

eLearning Content Development

Turn complex topics into engaging online courses with video scripts, quizzes, and interactive modules.

sales funnels

Design targeted content that guides potential customers towards a purchase or subscription.

email marketing

Craft compelling email sequences to nurture leads and drive sales.

Search Marketing

Boost your website's visibility in search results for relevant keywords.

Case Studies

Featured projects

How Monthly SEO Blog Writing Increased WHOLE HOME SCENTING's Traffic by 78% and Sales by 54%

We partnered with WHOLE HOME SCENTING to implement a strategic SEO blog writing service, aiming to boost their online visibility and drive organic traffic. Did it work? Let’s dive into the results and see how consistent, SEO-optimized content helped WHOLE HOME SCENTING achieve remarkable growth.

Case Study: Driving Conversions with a High-Performing Landing Page for AEV - Auto Ecoles Virtuelles

This case study explores the design and development of a high-converting landing page for AEV (Auto Ecoles Virtuelles), a leading SaaS platform empowering online driving schools in France. The objective was to significantly increase qualified lead generation for AEV’s platform.

Case Study: Driving Conversions with a High-Performing Landing Page for AEV – Auto Ecoles Virtuelles


This case study explores the design and development of a high-converting landing page for AEV (Auto Ecoles Virtuelles), a leading SaaS platform empowering online driving schools in France. The objective was to significantly increase qualified lead generation for AEV’s platform.


The previous AEV landing page lacked focus and clarity, failing to effectively communicate the platform’s value proposition to potential customers. This resulted in low conversion rates and missed opportunities for lead generation.


A data-driven approach was undertaken to analyze user behavior and optimize the landing page for conversions. Key steps included:

  • Identifying Target Audience: Focusing on driving schools looking to expand their online presence and attract new students.
  • Understanding User Pain Points: Research revealed pain points such as high marketing costs, limited scalability, and the need for engaging learning materials.
  • Crafting Compelling Messaging: A clear and concise value proposition was developed, highlighting AEV’s benefits: reduced marketing costs, increased student reach, and a user-friendly learning management system.
  • Optimizing Landing Page Design: A visually appealing and user-friendly landing page was designed with clear calls to action, showcasing the platform’s features and benefits through compelling visuals and testimonials.
  • A/B Testing: Multiple variations of the landing page were A/B tested to identify the most effective layout, headline, and call to action combination.


The redesigned landing page yielded impressive results within a 6-month timeframe:

  • Increased Conversion Rate: A remarkable 80% increase in conversion rate was achieved, significantly boosting qualified lead generation for AEV.
  • Reduced Cost per Lead: The cost per lead decreased by 35%, demonstrating the landing page’s effectiveness in attracting high-quality leads.
  • Improved User Engagement: Increased time spent on the landing page and a 20% rise in click-through rates for the platform demo signup indicated higher user engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  • User-centric design and clear value proposition communication are crucial for high-converting landing pages.
  • A/B testing allows for continuous optimization and ensures the landing page resonates with the target audience.
  • Data-driven analysis helps refine messaging and design elements to maximize conversion rates.


The AEV landing page redesign serves as a testament to the power of data-driven design and clear communication. By focusing on user needs and pain points, the landing page effectively converted website visitors into qualified leads, propelling AEV’s growth in the online driving school market. This case study highlights the importance of ongoing optimization and user experience focus to maintain a high-performing landing page that fuels business success.

Case Study: Translating Tech Talk into Engaging Learning - Building the Esantic E-learning Platform

This case study explores the design and copywriting process behind Esantic, an innovative e-learning platform catering to corporations in Africa. Esantic empowers businesses to provide continuous training in tech and digital marketing skills for their employees.

Case Study: Translating Tech Talk into Engaging Learning – Building the Esantic E-learning Platform


This case study explores the design and copywriting process behind Esantic, an innovative e-learning platform catering to corporations in Africa. Esantic empowers businesses to provide continuous training in tech and digital marketing skills for their employees.


As a pioneering tech startup, Esantic faced the challenge of translating complex developer language into an engaging and accessible experience for corporate customers. This involved creating a brand voice and crafting website copy that effectively communicated the platform’s value proposition to a non-technical audience.


The project unfolded in two key phases:

Phase 1: Establishing the Brand Voice and Content Guidelines

  1. Crafting the Esantic Brand Voice: The first step involved defining the overarching tone and personality Esantic wanted to convey. A clear, concise, and approachable voice was chosen, emphasizing the platform’s user-friendliness and focus on empowering corporate learning.
  2. Developing a Content Style Guide: A comprehensive content style guide was created to ensure consistency across all marketing materials. This guide outlined preferred writing styles, terminology, and best practices for explaining technical concepts in a clear and understandable way for non-technical users.

Phase 2: Website Copywriting and Course Descriptions

With a strong brand voice and content guidelines established, the focus shifted to crafting compelling website copy and course descriptions.

  • Course Descriptions: Technical jargon was replaced with clear, benefit-driven language that highlighted the specific skills employees would gain from each course, focusing on the positive impact on their careers and the company’s growth.
  • Website Copywriting: Engaging website copy was created to explain the value proposition of Esantic. This included showcasing the platform’s user-friendly interface, the breadth of course offerings (Origen and Portes, with more to come!), and the overall benefits of continuous learning for corporations.


By translating developer language into customer-facing stories, the website copy successfully:

  • Increased user understanding of Esantic’s platform and its offerings.
  • Enhanced the perceived value proposition for potential corporate clients.
  • Strengthened the overall brand image of Esantic as a user-friendly and accessible solution for corporate training needs.


This case study demonstrates the power of clear and concise communication in the tech startup landscape. By focusing on user experience and translating complex technical concepts into an engaging story, Esantic’s website and course descriptions effectively communicate their value proposition to a broad audience of corporate customers in Africa. This approach positions Esantic as a leader in the e-learning market, empowering businesses to unlock the full potential of their workforce through continuous learning and skill development.

fast foward thinking

Case Study: Boosting Caribbean Travel Sales with Engaging Brochures

I partnered with iCaribbean, a US-based travel agency specializing in Caribbean vacations. They sought to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost sales of their travel packages and products.


I partnered with iCaribbean, a US-based travel agency specializing in Caribbean vacations. They sought to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost sales of their travel packages and products.


  • Competitive market: The Caribbean travel market is highly competitive, with numerous established players and aggressive marketing campaigns.
  • Limited brand awareness: iCaribbean was a relatively new entrant, struggling to stand out in the crowded market.
  • Static marketing materials: Traditional brochures lacked interactivity and failed to capture the essence of the Caribbean experience.


We designed a series of engaging brochures tailored to different traveler segments:

  • Family-friendly vacations: Highlighting kid-friendly activities, resorts, and amenities.
  • Romantic getaways: Showcasing couples-only resorts, spa packages, and secluded destinations.
  • Adventure travel: Featuring adrenaline-pumping activities, eco-tours, and off-the-beaten-path experiences.

Each brochure incorporated captivating visuals, compelling storytelling, and persuasive calls to action, including:

  • Stunning photography: Showcasing the beauty of Caribbean landscapes, beaches, and resorts.
  • Personal anecdotes: Sharing inspiring stories from past travelers.
  • Interactive elements: Including QR codes to videos, maps, and booking pages.
  • Limited-time offers: Providing discounts and incentives to drive immediate action.


The new brochures delivered impressive results for iCaribbean:

  • Increased brand awareness: Brand recognition increased by 20% within six months of the brochure launch.
  • Surging website traffic: The website saw a 40% increase in traffic from brochure-related referrals.
  • Boosted sales: Travel package sales increased by 30% year-over-year, directly attributed to the brochures.

Key Takeaways:

  • Engaging brochures can effectively capture the attention of potential travelers and differentiate a brand in a competitive market.
  • Tailoring brochures to specific traveler segments ensures targeted messaging and resonates with their unique needs and interests.
  • Incorporating interactive elements and compelling visuals enhances the user experience and drives engagement.

Additional Details:

  • Brochures were distributed through a mix of channels, including travel expos, partnerships with travel agencies, and direct mail campaigns.
  • iCaribbean leveraged social media and influencer marketing to promote the brochures, reaching a wider audience and generating buzz.
  • The success of the brochures led to the development of additional marketing materials, such as e-books, infographics, and videos, further strengthening iCaribbean’s brand presence and market share.

This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of well-designed brochures in promoting travel destinations and products. By creating engaging and informative materials tailored to specific traveler segments, iCaribbean successfully positioned itself as a leading Caribbean travel expert and achieved significant growth in sales and brand recognition.


About this service

Hi, I’m Siaka Ould. I combine copywriting with graphic design to create professional brochures, leaflets, flyers, posters, pamphlets, and postcards. I’ve been doing this for the past 8 years, following a 10-year career with IBM.

I create these in various formats:

  • Single-page / one-pager / double-sided
  • Multiple-page for standard printing
  • Bifold brochure (4 pages)
  • Trifold brochure (6 pages)
  • Booklet (8, 12, 16 or 20+ pages)

I work with you to understand your requirements, then I write the content and design the graphics so your document looks polished and professional. I can also create graphs, charts, and infographics (scroll through the gig portfolio for examples).

I don’t use templates, so I can emulate any design style. If you have a design you like, then I can make your document look similar.

This gig is suitable for the following document types:

  • Marketing Collateral
  • Event Advertising
  • Annual Report
  • Company Profile
  • Capability Statement
  • Corporate Brochure
  • Business Plan or Proposal
  • White Paper
  • Newsletter or Magazine
  • Instruction Manual
  • User Guide
  • Product Catalog
  • E-book

Case Study: Building Leads and Sales with a Real Estate Quiz Funnel - New Construction Home Buyer Rebate

I partnered with REAL ESTAE EXPERTS, a leading developer of new construction homes in Ontario, Canada. Their goal was to generate qualified leads and increase sales for their new construction projects.

Case Study: Building Leads and Sales with a Real Estate Quiz Funnel – New Construction Home Buyer Rebate


I partnered with REAL ESTAE EXPERTS, a leading developer of new construction homes in Ontario, Canada. Their goal was to generate qualified leads and increase sales for their new construction projects.


  • Low brand awareness: REAL ESTAE EXPERTS was a relatively new player in the market, competing against established brands.
  • Uninformed buyers: 
  • Many potential buyers were unfamiliar with the process of purchasing new construction homes, leading to longer decision times and higher drop-off rates.
  • Generic marketing messages: Traditional marketing efforts weren’t effectively targeting specific buyer needs and pain points.


We designed a quiz funnel titled “New Construction Home Buyer Rebate: Discover How Much You Can Save.” This interactive quiz addressed the challenges by:

  • Engaging with potential buyers: The quiz asked questions about their lifestyle, budget, and new construction preferences, keeping them engaged and invested in the process.
  • Educating and qualifying leads: Each question provided valuable information about the new construction buying journey. Based on their answers, users received a personalized report highlighting potential savings through the “New Construction Home Buyer Rebate” program.
  • Segmenting the audience: Quiz responses allowed for segmenting leads based on their needs and interests, enabling targeted email marketing campaigns with relevant content and offers.


The quiz funnel delivered significant results for REAL ESTAE EXPERTS:

  • Increased website traffic: The quiz landing page saw a 250% increase in traffic compared to previous lead generation efforts.
  • High lead conversion rate: The quiz achieved a 35% conversion rate, meaning 35% of visitors who started the quiz submitted their contact information.
  • Qualified leads: Leads generated through the quiz funnel were highly qualified, with a 70% close rate on converted leads compared to the industry average of 20-30%. This translates to 646 additional new construction homes sold in 6 months.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interactive quizzes offer an engaging way to capture leads and educate potential buyers.
  • Personalized content based on user responses leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Segmentation allows for targeted marketing efforts that resonate with specific buyer needs.

Additional Details:

  • The quiz utilized a user-friendly interface with engaging visuals and clear question formats.
  • Social media advertising campaigns promoted the quiz, targeting demographics most likely to be interested in new construction homes.
  • Email nurture sequences nurtured leads with valuable content based on their quiz responses, keeping them informed and moving them down the sales funnel.

This case study demonstrates the power of a well-designed quiz funnel in generating qualified leads and increasing sales for real estate companies. By educating and engaging potential buyers, the quiz funnel helped REAL ESTAE EXPERTS achieve significant growth in their new construction market share.

Livre Blanc 

Transformez votre site web en aimant à prospects

Téléchargez gratuitement votre ebook et découvrez les 4 outils pour booster vos conversions

Ce que vous apprendrez dans cet ebook:

  • Comment identifier les points faibles de votre site web qui freinent les conversions
  • Les 4 outils incontournables pour transformer votre site web en un véritable aimant à prospects
  • Des conseils concrets et des exemples pour mettre en place ces outils

En bonus:

  • Un guide pratique pour créer une page de capture efficace
  • Une liste de ressources pour aller plus loin


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What My Clients Say

Siaka is more of an "agency" than a "marketer" in his abilities. From Website optimizing, SEO, landing pages, email campaigns and he built an ENTIRE Quiz Funnel. Beyond his technical genius, he has ALL the intangibles: personality, professionalism, pro-active communication, superior initiative AND 'direction-taking', attendance, punctuality and laughter. We got it ALL when we got Siaka! A true gem and someone I will consider a friend/colleague for life! Thanks Acadium for this great match!
Jeff Klubeck
Ceo at Get A Klu, Inc.
Siaka has been an incredible asset to our team. He is entrepreneurial and takes ownership. He consistently came to me with innovative ideas and solved problems I didn't know we had. He demonstrated an incredible work ethic, always going above and beyond. His work was excellent.
Nicole Cruz
Ceo at Super Busy Mommy Coaching
Siaka, have been a outstanding intern he help us with several tasks. he help us with contents creation, designing and more, Siaka design designs for our products like t shirts shopping bags. he also creates contents for our French Caribbean Islands
Icen Collins
Ceo, Collins Enterprise intl llc
work with me​

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