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Program 1: Start your digital marketing career

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About Course

Gain the work experience, mentorship, and support you need to start your career in digital marketing.

What Will You Learn?

  • In the Lead Generation Intern: Quiz Funnels Building specialist course, you will learn the essential skills and strategies to create effective quiz funnels for lead generation. This course is designed for individuals who want to specialize in lead generation and develop expertise in building quiz funnels.
  • Throughout the course, you will learn the principles of lead generation, how to design and structure quiz funnels, techniques for attracting and qualifying leads, and methods to optimize conversion rates. You will gain a deep understanding of how quiz funnels can be leveraged to engage with your target audience and generate high-quality leads.

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Quiz Funnels
Interactive quiz to assess prior knowledge Video lesson introducing the concept of quiz funnels Interactive quiz to reinforce key concepts

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Quiz Funnels
  • Quiz: Interactive quiz to assess prior knowledge and understanding of quiz funnels

Module 2: Understanding Your Audience
Video lesson on identifying customer avatars Interactive game to practice identifying customer avatars Video lesson on analyzing customer pain points and challenges Interactive quiz to test understanding

Module 3: Crafting Your Quiz
Selecting the right quiz type for your audience Writing effective quiz questions and answers Using quiz logic to personalize the quiz experience

Module 4: Creating Your Opt-In Page
Designing an opt-in page that converts visitors into leads Crafting a compelling headline and persuasive copy Choosing the right lead magnet to offer

Module 5: Setting Up Your Email Marketing
In Module 5, you will learn how to effectively build and use an email list to support your marketing goals. You will also learn how to write effective emails that engage your subscribers and drive conversions. The lessons are as follows:

Module 6: Launching Your Quiz Funnel
Module 6: Launching Your Quiz Funnel Text-based lesson on promoting your quiz funnel on social media Interactive exercise to help learners develop their own social media strategy Text-based lesson on running Facebook ads to drive traffic to your opt-in page Interactive exercise to help learners create their own Facebook ad campaign Text-based lesson on using other paid advertising channels to increase your reach Interactive quiz to help learners identify other advertising channels that may work for their audience

Module 7: Analyzing Your Results
Text-based lesson on tracking and analyzing your quiz funnel results Interactive exercise to help learners analyze their own quiz funnel results Text-based lesson on using data to optimize your quiz and improve your conversion rate Interactive exercise to help learners identify opportunities to optimize their quiz funnel Text-based lesson on scaling your lead generation efforts and maximizing your ROI Interactive exercise to help learners develop their own scaling strategy

Module 8: Advanced Quiz Funnel Strategies
Video lesson on using segmentation and conditional logic to further personalize the user experience Interactive game to practice segmentation and conditional logic strategies Video lesson on implementing upsells and downsells to increase revenue Interactive simulation to practice creating upsell and downsell offers Video lesson on creating follow-up sequences that drive conversions and increase customer lifetime value Interactive quiz to test understanding of follow-up sequences Video lesson on A/B testing your quiz funnel to optimize results Interactive game to practice A/B testing strategies Video lesson on using retargeting and remarketing to re-engage leads and increase conversions Interactive quiz to test understanding of retargeting and remarketing strategies

Student Ratings & Reviews

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5 years ago
Great clarity in explanations and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had been working out for quite a while, but a few little things we might miss out from a diet perspective are covered well in detail here.
Especially loved how you structured the entire focus area of dieting into most important ones to lesser ones.
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